Leaving Kalispell Montana

Leaving Kalispell Montana
Sabbatical begins

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 9 Wall Drug Lunch Cedar Pass Prairie Homestead on to Pierre SD


  1. So glad we finally were able to find your blog!
    Can't wait to follow you on your trip. Looks like you are seeing lots of historical things and learning lots! Have a great time. Greg and Rory

  2. I found you!!! But is this as far as you've gotten? I sure hope you didn't get washed away in all those storms or lost in a power outage somewhere. All the photos are great and you all look happy and healthy. We miss you. Tell Mattea that the Sunday School class is praying for you guys. I hope you are having so much fun and lots of rest. Love you - Cindy (& Ron & the Bible Study gals).
